January 9, 2019 – Stanford, Kentucky – The Ephraim McDowell Fort Logan Hospital (EMFLH) Auxiliary recently purchased a 12-volt battery operated Mercedes Benz to transport pediatric patients to surgery. Pediatric patients often times are scared when they are going to have surgery and riding in a battery-powered car helps to preoccupy them and ease their mind.
“The Auxiliary is proud to be able to support the hospital by providing such a special way for the pediatric patients to get into the operating room,” says Brenda Caudill, EMFLH Auxiliary president.
The idea to use a battery-powered car to transport pediatric patients to surgery belongs to Jody Wells, director of surgery at EMFLH. “Working with children is one of my favorite parts of my job. As a mom I wanted to find a way to help these kiddos feel more comfortable and less anxious about having surgery and leaving mom and dad. This car has helped to give them a special way to get back to the operating room. Kids love driving it and parents love seeing them smile as they drive off to have their surgery. It has helped to lessen the anxiety not only for the kids, but for the parents as well,” she said.