Visitor Information
This information will assist those who are visiting patients at our three hospitals. We understand the value of the patient’s family and/or support person being present during patient care. As a result, we allow visitors 24 hours a day.

Speak Up™ For Your Rights
We want our patients to be an advocate for their care. Thus, we are providing this Speak Up For Your Rights information provided by The Joint Commission.

Gift Shop
You can shop for a gift for a new baby, a special birthday, or a wedding anniversary. We offer a variety of items for all ages. This includes candles, stuffed animals, and grooming kits. We also have ribbons to welcome a newborn and cards and balloons for all ages.

During your hospital stay, your medical care may be provided by a doctor or advanced practice provider called a Hospitalist. This is a contracted physician or advanced practice provider specializing in hospitalized patients’ care.

Purposeful Rounding
We perform purposeful rounding regularly on patients because it lets them and their families know how much we care about them. We believe it improves the patient’s experience because it decreases their anxiety. In addition, it improves patient outcomes because the needs of the patient are addressed proactively. It can also reduce patient falls, call lights, and pressure ulcers. As a result, patient safety is enhanced.

Pastoral Care
Clergy of all denominations are welcome at any time as part of the pastoral care we offer to patients. Bibles are available on each bedside table. Bibles in languages other than English and additional spiritual materials are available at each nursing station.