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Ephraim McDowell Health Care Foundation Raising Awareness of Heart Disease

The Ephraim McDowell Health Care Foundation is pleased to hold its 12th annual Happy Heart Luncheon.  This annual event raises awareness of the risks of heart disease and how to be heart healthy. The luncheon will be held at Danville Country Club, 1486 Lexington Road, Danville, and will begin at 11:30 a.m. on February 16, 2023.

Ephraim McDowell Heart & Vascular Institute’s Interventional Cardiologist, C. Gary Grigsby Jr., M.D. will deliver an informative presentation on invasive cardiovascular procedures. In addition to Dr. Grigsby, we will also hear from Cardiologist Aslam M. Ahmad, M.D. as he presents on atrial fibrillation and McDowell Wellness Center Dietitian Janet Fluty on nourishing your heart. In addition to Ephraim McDowell providers, we are also excited to welcome Tionna Herron, University of Kentucky women’s basketball player as she does a Q+A on her recent open-heart surgery and her journey on getting back to the court.

Guests will be served a delicious, heart-healthy lunch and will be entered into a drawing to win numerous door prizes from The Still at Blue Rook Distillery, Kentucky Beef Council, Danville Country Club, and Southern Plate Catering and Café.

“Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Our goal is to provide an event that is fun, informative, and educational. If we can educate our community on ways to be heart healthy, we consider that a win for all,” said Laura Richard, Director of the Ephraim McDowell Health Care Foundation.

One person dies every 34 seconds in the United States from heart disease.

Tickets are limited to this exclusive event and must be purchased in advance.  Tickets are $25 each and can be purchased online at: https://emhealth.org/health-care-foundation/happy-heart-luncheon/.

We are pleased once again to have the generous annual support of our Premier Partner, Farmers National Bank, as well as our Proud Sponsors, Danville Office Equipment, Whitaker Bank, and Republic Services and our Major Sponsors, Trim Masters Charitable Foundation, Inc. and Messer Construction.  We would also like to say thank you to our event specific sponsors including Crimson Sponsor, Empact Midwest; Scarlett Sponsor, Northwestern Mutual; Ruby Sponsors, First Southern National Bank, Britton Johnson PLLC,  and Weathers Agency; and our Rose Sponsors, Inter-County Energy Cooperative, Phillip & Kay Richardson, and Rea’s Bouquets.

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